Welcome to Chamberlain Building Services Inc.
Providing HVAC, Refrigeration, Ventilations, Electrical, Mechanical Contracting and Building Automation For Over 20 Years!

We have built a reputation among our competitors and customers by providing superior service within our industry.

Why Chamberlain Building Services?
Chamberlain Building Services Inc. is a privately owned Canadian corporation. We are proudly owned, managed and staffed with highly technical people capable of solving any challenges that may arise. We have been in business for over 20 years and pride ourselves on providing industry leading customer service. We are technical people that solve technical problem in fall facets of the HVAC, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air Quality, Building Automation, and Electrical Industries.
Industries we serve.
Equipment we service.
We have worked with a lot of manufacturers, so we felt it would be helpful to share an accurate list of the equipment we service, as well as the manufacturers we work on.

Begin your HVAC career search.
As a service company, our engineers, technicians and support staff are our most important resource. Are you ready to work for Chamberlain Building Services?
See what we can offer.

What Goes Into an HVAC System?
Learn about Built Up and Unitary Systems.